KACo Insurance Services
KACo insurance products are designed to meet the specific needs of county governments and other Kentucky public entities. We offer protection from life’s challenges, allowing KACo members to continue focusing on what’s important: serving their community.
Insurance News

April 09, 2021
Kentucky unemployment system will shut down for four days to enhance security
The Labor Cabinet, Office of Unemployment Insurance along with the Commonwealth Office of Technology suspect criminal individuals or enterprises have attempted to gain unauthorized access to UI customer data.

March 23, 2021
Injury and Illness Recordkeeping
This page includes links to resources related to injury and illness recordkeeping.

March 02, 2021
Restaurants, others may increase to 60 percent capacity
Gov. Beshear said he intends to increase child care capacity to regular group size on March 15 if positive trends continue.

February 16, 2021
Video resource: installing tire chains
Check out this short video on installing tire chains correctly, including tips and tricks.

February 12, 2021
More than 150 Kentucky vaccination sites opening up next week
Kentuckians will have more access to COVID-19 vaccinations soon as the state adds multiple vaccine distribution centers across the state beginning next week.

January 26, 2021
Nurse triage program can help keep your employees safe and save your county money
Prior to COVID, KACo launched a nurse triage program to help members quickly assess options for medical treatment and claims for workers.