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Kentucky unemployment system will shut down for four days to enhance security

The Labor Cabinet, Office of Unemployment Insurance along with the Commonwealth Office of Technology suspect criminal individuals or enterprises have attempted to gain unauthorized access to UI customer data.

To address these issues and enhance security, the UI system will be shut down for four days, beginning tonight at midnight through April 13.

“While this is a big step, given that this sophisticated attack could take money that was otherwise going to Kentuckians, it is a step we absolutely have to take,” said Gov. Beshear in a press release. “We can’t allow people to steal the state’s money and prevent those who are entitled to receive these dollars from getting the help they need.”

Claimants will be unable to file new claims or request their benefits during the shutdown. The Cabinet will be mailing letters to active claimants giving them a new 8 digit PIN to access their accounts.

“Although the UI PINs are encrypted, it is possible for a person with enough computing power to guess an encrypted PIN by testing particularly weak or obvious four digit combinations,” said Amy Cubbage, Gov. Beshear’s general counsel. “We had 3,995 users who used a PIN that was 1234, more than 1,500 users who set PINs that were 2020 and more than 1,200 users whose PINs were set to 1111. To enhance the security of the system, we will be shutting down the UI system temporarily.”

“Letters are going out to active UI accounts giving them a new eight-digit PIN. Systems will be available on Tuesday to re-register or register for the first time through the new welcome pages at or through the KCC website, said Cubbage.  

Claimants will need to:

  • Create a new 12-digit password;
  • Verify their email address and receive an access code through their email account;
  • Use the new eight-digit PIN they were mailed;
  • Know that the telephone claiming system (interactive voice response) will use the new eight-digit PIN; and
  • Review all the information on their account to make sure it is correct.

If the last four digits of their bank account or routing number is not in their UI account, claimants will receive a paper check.

“The Labor Cabinet will be sending out a press release and posting information on the KCC homepage with detailed information,” Cubbage said. “Active claimants do not need to file a new claim when the system is back up.”

Read the security notice from the Kentucky Career Center here.


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