Medical Cannabis - County Resources

The clock is ticking for local governments in Kentucky, who face an important decision on how they will address the new industry of medical marijuana, which becomes legal in the state on Jan. 1, 2025.
Prospective cannabis businesses are currently reviewing state regulations and making plans to become licensed by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. So what does that mean for counties and cities?
Medical cannabis in your county? New legislation speeds up operations in Kentucky
This article provides an overview of the options counties have in regard to medical cannabis:
- A county and/or city could take no action. Medical cannabis businesses would be allowed to operate in that county or city as early as this year once it is licensed by the state.
- Pass an ordinance to prohibit cannabis operations.
- Pass a resolution to put the matter of cannabis operations to a public vote.
- Place restrictions and/or collect fees related to cannabis businesses operating within that county or city.
Frequently asked questions about medical cannabis and county government
Options and guidance for counties to consider regarding medical cannabis businesses.
KACo Member Webinar: Medical Cannabis Guidance for Counties
Sam Flynn, Executive Director of the Kentucky Medical Cannabis Program, provided an overview of recent changes to state law and regulations, the licensing process for cannabis businesses and how counties can regulate cannabis businesses in their jurisdiction in this May 8, 2024 webinar.
Sample medical cannabis ordinance
This document is a sample ordinance relating to the prohibition of cannabis business operations in a county.
Sample medical cannabis resolution
For counties wanting to put the question to voters, this document is a sample resolution authorizing a referendum to determine whether cannabis business operations may occur in a county.
Kentucky medical cannabis laws, regulations and executive orders
Under the purview of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, the Kentucky Medical Cannabis Program provides information and resources on its website including links to laws and regulations, forms and an FAQ page.
Medical Cannabis News