Kentucky Law Enforcement Policies and Procedures
- Active Shooter
- Agency Jurisdiction
- Amber Alert
- Arrest and Citations
- Audits and Inspections
- Biased Based Policing
- Body Worn Video Recording
- Canines Updated
- Cellular Telephone
- Chain of Command
- Code of Conduct
- Command Protocol
- Community Engagement
- Confidential Informants
- Critical Incident Investigation
- Crowd Control
- Diminished Capacity--2024-07-29
- Domestic Violence
- Drones/UAS--2024-07-29
- Duty to Disclose
- Duty To Intervene
- Duty to Obey Lawful Orders
- Early Intervention System REV 07082020
- Emergency Assistance
- Emergency Call Location Information Request
- Ethics
- Facial Recognition
- Federal State OSHA Regulations
- Fire Safety Entering Burning Building
- Firearms
- Forfeiture of Assets
- Golden Alert Green Alert
- Hazardous Materials
- Hiring Practices
- Identification Procedures
- Internal Affairs Citizen Complaints
- Interview Interrogation Rooms
- Juvenile Operations
- Knives
- Law Enforcement COVID 19 Response
- Law Enforcement Vehicle Escorts
- License Plate Reader
- Limited English Proficiency
- Mission and Values Statement
- Mobile Video Recorder MVR
- Motor Vehicle--Stop & Search
- Mutual Aid Jurisdiction
- Narcotic Overdose Intranasal Naloxone
- Oath of Office
- Off-Duty Action
- Persons with Disabilities
- Prescription Drug Take Back Program
- Prisoner Transportation
- Property And Evidence Updated
- Public Information Media Format
- Response to Resistance
- Returning Veterans
- Ride Along
- Safe Infants Act
- Safe Storage of Firearms
- Safety Equipment
- School Resource Officers
- Search & Seizure--Residence
- Secondary Employment
- Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits - 10-5-23
- Sexual Harassment Sexual Discrimination
- Sexual Misconduct
- Sheriff Escort
- Social Networking
- Special Purpose Vehicles
- Stop, Arrest & Search of Persons
- Supervisor Accountability
- Tourniquets
- Traffic Safety Checkpoint
- Training Directive
- Transportation Restraining of Prisoners
- Vehicle Maintenance
- Vehicle Operations
- Vehicle Pursuit
- Vehicle Towing
- Vehicle Use
- Video And Filming Of Officers
- Volunteers in Law Enforcement Service
- Written Directives
Sample Forms
- Facial Recognition Examination Request Form
- Facial Recognition Examiners Log
- Foot Pursuit
- Kentucky Eyewitness Identification Instructions Line Up
- Kentucky Eyewitness Identification Instructions On Scene Show Up
- Kentucky Eyewitness Identification Instructions Photo Array
- Kentucky Informant Activity Payment Form
- Kentucky Informant Consent To Monitor Form
- Kentucky Informant Cooperation Agreement
- Kentucky Informant Information Sheet
- Medical Information For Newborn Infants
- Pursuit After Action
- Response To Active Resistance
- Risk Assessment Matrix
- Search Warrant Operations Plan
- Vehicle Inspection