Kentucky Association of Counties

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Kentucky Association of Counties


County Champion


KACo Finance Corporation Bond Pool

KACo is here to help you with your financing needs. In addition to our traditional leasing program, KACo has created a program that saves you money while providing a great service to your community. The KACo Finance Corporation Bond Pool (KACoFC) is a bond pool program designed to help counties and local governments receive a higher Standard and Poor’s Bond Rating than most counties and local governments could achieve on their own. Some counties and local governments may even be able to achieve an AA- rating, which translates to lower costs to our counties.

Savings through the KACoFC program are achieved in several ways. Due to the number of borrowers going to market at one time, via the KACoFC bond pool, KACoFC can control the cost of issuance, making it possible for many small borrowers to participate in the same way as large borrowers. Additionally, KACo’s insurance programs and the KACo County Leasing Trust are jointly funding the KACoFC debt service reserve to help achieve the highest rating possible for you and eliminating the need to borrow additional funds to cover this necessary cost of issuance.  

Eligible projects include:

  • construction/renovation
  • land/property acquisition
  • equipment
  • road repair
  • storm repair

Some of the benefits of the Program are:

  • No cross liability among borrowers;
  • offers terms from one to 30 years; and 
  • a low fixed rate without using a SWAP Agreement.

At KACo, our mission is to help your local government do the things you want to do in the most cost-effective and convenient manner possible. Whether you want to use KACo’s traditional variable rate leasing program or the new, fixed rate KACoFC bond pool program to finance your next project or purchase, KACo is here to help. Please contact KACo Financial Services staff for assistance. We have three municipal advisors registered with the MSRB and SEC ready to help you with your financing needs.

KACo Financing Services Team

Lonnie Campbell
Assistant Director of Financial Services
MSRB Registered Municipal Advisor

Kelly Collins-Mittler
Financial Services Finance Officer
MSRB Registered Municipal Advisor/Principal

BJ White
Financial Services Accounts Receivable Officer
