2022 Salary Survey Methodology
KACo collected salary survey data from counties from October 2021 to March 2022. The survey included a standardized list of job titles and corresponding descriptions for each title. Counties were asked to best match their county positions to the job titles provided. For positions that did not match any available job titles, an “other job titles not listed” section was provided to list these titles.
Positions were divided into full time and part time employees. Employees with multiple titles (e.g. Administrative Assistant/Occupational Tax Administrator) were classified under the title that is considered to be their primary title.
Counties were asked to provide the following for each job title provided:
- Department: the department under which the position title falls (e.g. Road Department, Office of the Judge/Executive, Fire, Solid Waste, etc.).
- Hourly Wage and Annual Salary: the compensation for each position title as the hourly rate, the annual salary, or both. Wages/salary do not include unscheduled overtime or incentive pay.
- Current/Average: For positions with only one employee in the position, counties were asked to report the actual wage/salary under current/average. If there were more than one employee with a position title, counties were asked to report the average wage/salary for all employees with the position title under current/average. Average wage/salary is calculated by adding all wages/salaries and dividing by the total number of employees per position title.
- Minimum: If there was more than one employee with a position title, counties were asked to report the minimum wage/salary. The minimum wage is the lowest wage a current employee receives.
- Maximum: If there was more than one employee with a position title, counties were asked to report the maximum wage/salary. The maximum wage is the highest wage a current employee receives.
- Hours worked per week: the hours worked in a typical week for employees in each position title (e.g. 37.5, 40, etc.).
- Weeks worked per year: the average number of weeks an employee works per year in this position.
- Number of employees: the number of employees with this position title as of September 1, 2021.