Legislation passed by the 2024 General Assembly is changing how county road projects may receive funding from the state.
Bobbi Jo Lewis, Commissioner of the Department of Rural and Municipal Aid (DRMA) within the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, provided an update to county officials at the KCJEA/KMCA Summer Conference this week. Lewis highlighted the Highway Contingency Fund, the County-City Bridge Improvement Program and a new program called the County Priority Projects Program.
Highway Contingency Fund
Often referred to as “discretionary” funding, the legislature appropriated $5 million in FY25 for roads with hazardous and/or emergency conditions such as a road slide or sinkhole.
“If it’s a danger to the traveling public, chances are [the road] is going to qualify,” Lewis said.
Counties may begin applying for the contingency fund on July 1, 2024 using form TC 20-42. DRMA will accept applications throughout the fiscal year.
County-City Bridge Improvement Program
FY25 funding for a new County-City Bridge Improvement Program (CCBIP) is $25 million to cover the repair and replacement of county- or city-owned bridges.
Funding applications will be accepted beginning July 1, 2024 using form TC 20-44 along with relevant bridge inspection reports.
To qualify for the CCBIP, county judge/executives must complete online training provided by the Kentucky Transportation Center. The first Local Bridges 101 webinars are scheduled for July 11 and July 16. Click here to register.
County Priority Projects Program
During the 2024 legislative session, the County Priority Projects Program (CPPP) was established, giving lawmakers more oversight over which road projects are funded. The Department of Rural and Municipal Aid will still process funding applications and rate road conditions, but legislators will now vote on which specific projects are approved for the following fiscal year.
$20 million was appropriated each year of the biennial budget. The first round of projects for FY25 were approved through House Joint Resolution 92.
The Department of Rural and Municipal Aid will accept applications for the CPPP July 1 – Oct. 15, 2024 using form TC 20-41.
“By Nov. 1, we will send the compiled list to the legislature and then they will decide what roads they want to fund during the next session,” Lewis said.
Projects selected in the 2025 legislative session will have funding available in FY26.
Click here to view Commissioner Lewis’ presentation from the KCJEA/KMCA Summer Conference.