Kentucky Association of Counties

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Kentucky Association of Counties


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Kentucky Industrial Access and Safety Improvement (KIASI) Program application window open

From the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development
Emailed applications must be received by Monday, Dec. 2, 2024, at 4 p.m. EST

During this year’s legislative session, the Kentucky General Assembly enacted House Bill 1 designating $7.5 million per fiscal year toward railroad equipment, construction, reconstruction, improvement or rehabilitation of rail facilities or engineering work associated with capital projects.

The Kentucky Industrial Access and Safety Improvement (KIASI) Program was established to provide 50/50 grants to expand rail access, enhance the marketability of available industrial sites, increase job creation and capital investment and increase safety on Kentucky’s rail system. At this time we are soliciting applications for the $7.5 million in FY 25 funds.

The KIASI guidance document and application for the FY 25 KIASI program are available here: Kentucky Industrial Access and Safety Improvement (KIASI) Program | KYTC. Please review both documents carefully and completely.

Only PDF copies of completed applications will be accepted. Paper copies should NOT be printed and mailed to KYTC offices. Each application must be combined into a single PDF and sent via email to Emailed applications must be received by Monday, December 2nd, 2024, at 4:00 PM ET. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure delivery and receipt by KYTC as emails with large attachments may be blocked.

Applicants can submit multiple projects in response to this solicitation as long as it does not exceed the stated thresholds. Each project requires a separate PDF application with all necessary attachments included. Each application will be ranked and prioritized separately.

Applicants are not limited to railroads. Feel free to forward this to anyone who falls into any of the below categories who may be interested in applying for KIASI funds.

House Bill 1 outlines that eligible applicants include any:

  • Freight railroad company
  • Railroad Authority
  • Port Authority
  • Industrial and Economic Development Authority Board
  • Rail served industry

If you have any questions about the KIASI grant program, feel free to email or call Jeremy Edgeworth ( | 502.782.5095). We look forward to working together to improve our rail infrastructure throughout Kentucky.

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