Kentucky counties including Jefferson and McLean have joined Operation Green Light for Veterans to bring awareness to issues facing veterans and to share the resources veterans may access at the county, state and federal levels.
Veterans Day is Monday, Nov. 11, and the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the National Association of County Veterans Service Officers (NACVSO) invite any county that hasn’t already to join Operation Green Light through Monday.
“Participating in Operation Green Light sends a clear message to our veterans: you are seen, appreciated and supported,” said Jefferson County Circuit Court Clerk David L. Nicholson in a news release. “By shining a green light, we honor our veterans, acknowledging their sacrifices and challenges."
Nicholson, who also serves on the KACo Board of Directors, shared that his office has partnered with the Louisville Metro Government and the Metro Council by illuminating buildings, structures, businesses and homes to help support veterans.
Louisville City Hall's clock tower, the Big 4 Bridge and Middletown City Hall, among other local structures, are illuminating with green lighting on behalf of our country’s veterans.
McLean County Judge/Executive Curtis Dame and his office have participated in Operation Green Light since the project started three years ago. According to Dame and Census data at the time, McLean County had more than 500 veterans in 2022.
"If it wasn't for those types of individuals that see the need that [our] country has to be protected and do that type of service, I don't think we would enjoy the prosperity that we have today," Dame told the Messenger-Inquirer in the county’s inaugural year to participate. “And Operation Green Light is just one small effort to bring awareness to the fact that we need to honor our veterans and provide more resources, not only locally, but also in the region as well.”
Counties sharing their participation on social media can use the hashtag #OperationGreenLight.