Kentucky Association of Counties

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Kentucky Association of Counties


County Champion


Building checks essential during extended holiday periods

By Dwayne Litton, Safety and Loss Control Specialist
Reach out to KACo's safety and loss control team with any questions or concerns about building maintenance during the cold weather holiday period.

Many county offices and work sights shut down for several days during the holiday season. While staff members are enjoying time with family and friends, it’s important for empty buildings to be protected from potential cold, wintry weather conditions.  

Don’t be caught off guard by frozen water pipes or other cold weather hazards. KACo safety and loss control recommends you review this article for some helpful tips to consider avoiding problems in the coming days.

In addition, here are some best practices for before and during cold weather.

Prior to cold weather

  • Identify areas where water pipes are unheated or poorly insulated.
  • Replace insulation that has been removed or damaged at areas that have water pipes.
  • Look for air gaps in attic spaces contain water pipes.
  • Check for any damaged or removed drywall near water pipes; add insulation around water pipes and repair drywall.
  • Check cabinets that may contain uninsulated plumbing.
  • Ensure hot and cold-water pipes are insulated.
  • Inspect any outdoor buildings that may be equipped with water pipes and ensure they are insulated.
  • Check outdoor water hydrants and repair any leaks.
  • Check for proper water drainage away from structures, gutters and spouts flowing freely.
  • Identify and repair water leaks on roofs, proper drainage.
  • Make sure the fire sprinkler system is operational and monitored, and latest inspections are completed.
  • Ensure spare parts are available to keep heating units working.
  • Know where the main water shutoff is located and check for proper labeling.
  • Test and document backup generators monthly.
  • Ensure fans, wet vacs and squeegee tools are onsite and available.

During cold weather

  • Monitor thermostats (55 degrees minimum).
  • Open cabinets to allow heat flow to water pipes.
  • If necessary, turn on faucets and allow them to drip slowly.
  • Provide heat to pipes located on outside walls.
  • Disconnect all outside water hoses from faucets.
  • During extreme cold weather, ensure maintenance personnel are performing regular maintenance checks in all buildings. This should also be performed during unoccupied times and weekends.
  • Check sprinkler valve rooms and areas where risers are located to ensure they are being heated.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary to remove a few ceiling tiles to allow heat to rise to poorly insulated areas.
  • Ensure sprinkler pipes are maintained at or above 40 degrees (NFPA 13 Standard).

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