Kentucky Association of Counties

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Kentucky Association of Counties


County Champion


Be extra cautious while driving during deer season

By Steve Clary, Safety and Loss Control Specialist
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The number of deer collisions dramatically increases during the last quarter of the year, which coincides with the rut and most of the deer hunting season in Kentucky.

Peak deer season is October through December, and peak time for deer collisions is between dusk and dawn.

Remember, if you see one deer, there are probably more nearby. The Safety and Loss Control Department offers the following tips for avoiding deer collisions:

  • Slow down. Reducing your speed allows you to have more time to react to avoid a collision.
  • Avoid distractions while driving, and stay focused on driving defensively. 
  • Stay alert. Observe signs (Deer Crossing) posted by the state highway department that have identified areas known for wildlife crossing the road.
  • Turn on high beams while driving with headlights.
  • Don’t swerve if a crash is inevitable, and don’t veer off the road.  
This graph shows the number of deer collision claims filed by members for the past three years.

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