Kentucky Association of Counties

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Kentucky Association of Counties


County Champion


KACo Leadership Institute

KACo Leadership Institute: 2025 Planning and Zoning in Kentucky

Date: February 18, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Central
Location: BRADD, 177 Graham Ave, Bowling Green, KY
Cost: $80.00 member/$120 non-member
Are you getting the most out of planning and zoning in your community? Explore some best practices that will enhance planning in your community and create an open, transparent environment ready to promote sound development. This interactive session will also discuss current planning news and topics from around the state (and beyond), how your community may be affected and possible solutions on how to deal with some of today's most pressing land use matters. Eligible for 8 hours of training credit.


2025 Kentucky Legislative Overview – The 2025 Kentucky General Assembly session may be considered a short session, but that doesn’t mean the ramifications of the bills that are passed won’t impact our communities for a long time.  This session will specifically look at bills related to land use, planning and zoning procedures, and anything else that looks particularly interesting. (1 Hour)

Renewable Energy Solutions – More and more communities across the Commonwealth and looking into renewable energy solutions, but trying to find the right answer can sometimes lead to more questions.  Is harvesting sunlight an agriculture activity?  What are the aesthetic impacts?  How does KRS regulate these activities (if at all)?  (2 Hours)

The Do’s, Don’t’s, and Maybe’s of Floodplain Management and Protection – This session will provide a steady stream of information related to floodplain regulation options and requirements in your community. (1.5 Hours)

Planning for Climate Change – Is Climate Change real?  What are the potential impacts to our communities?  What policy changes should we be making to get ahead of this situation? (1 Hour)

I’ll Take “Subdivision Rules and Regulations” for $200 – Is your community in jeopardy of having subdivision regulations that are not completely up to date with what is required in KRS 100?  This session will focus on all the subdivision requirements in KRS 100, and look at some things communities across the Commonwealth are doing when it comes to subdivisions, creating additional housing, providing more affordable housing options, etc.  (1.5 hours)

Talking Transportation – A look at the local, state, and federal (and maybe even beyond) trends in transportation. (1 Hour)


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EventTypeID: d1f07d86-4895-439a-a3aa-cd89d0cb0cc6

AdditionInfoRequired: False


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$80.00 member/$120 non-member