Kentucky Association of Counties

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Kentucky Association of Counties


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County News

COVID-19 Articles

All Covid-19 News Articles
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August 15, 2020
Governor and Secretary of State release procedures for General Election
In the weeks ahead, the Governor, Secretary of State, State Board of Elections and local election officials will educate Kentuckians on the General Election plan.
August 14, 2020
Guidance from Auditor on COVID-19 expenses
On July 29, Auditor of Public Accounts Mike Harmon issued an audit alert to help you prepare your county’s Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) report regarding federal reimbursement of COVID-19 expenditures.
June 12, 2020
Webinar: CARES Act guidance for counties and cities
Access a recording of the webinar below.
June 01, 2020
Coronavirus Relief Fund: Preliminary Projected County-by-County Allocation
Counties and cities can now apply for their portion of $300 million in Coronavirus Relief Funds for eligible expenses related to COVID-19.
May 15, 2020
Governor announces $300 million available to local governments from CARES Act
The funds will be available for expenses related to COVID-19.
May 15, 2020
2020 primary election process approved by state board of elections
New guidance for the 2020 primary election announced.
May 13, 2020
Summary of guidance for reopening county offices
A concise, consolidated summary of the governor's recommendations for reopening county offices.
May 13, 2020
CDC printable posters for employees and the public
Download these posters to provide guidance to employees and the public about staying safe during COVID-19.