Advocacy News

Counties play a significant role in building, improving and maintaining infrastructure in Kentucky, particularly roads and bridges. Here are five infographics that highlight the importance of having an effectively managed and well-funded infrastructure and how far behind the state has fallen in achieving those goals.

The U.S. Department of Labor has proposed a new rule that will increase the salary threshold for those receiving overtime pay. Final comments are due by May 21, 2019.

Two alternatives to funding the state’s ailing pension systems were discussed during a meeting of the Public Pension Oversight Board on Monday.

Gov. Matt Bevin held a bill signing ceremony on Tuesday for legislation approved by the 2019 General Assembly that specifically makes strangulation a felony.

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin said Thursday it's up to the GOP-led legislature to muster the votes needed to pass his pension-relief plan in a special legislative session he wants to convene.

Bevin signaled on Monday that he has agreed to changes to his pension-relief plan that would impact county health departments.

House members want to ensure that Tier 1 and Tier 2 employees of health departments and other quasi-governmental agencies have the option to retain their current benefits.

County officials explain the complex schedule of property taxes to the Interim Joint Committee on Local Government.